ChemStation Buffalo
P.O. Box 231 | Buffalo, NY 14240 | 716.247.5301

ChemStation Buffalo

Concrete Removal Industry

Concrete Removal chemistry at ChemStation Buffalo

To meet their specialized needs, ChemStation Buffalo offers a full line of products to service the concrete industry from concrete removal on truck barrels and truck bodies to rust inhibition. Our products are designed to remove concrete, road film, rust, and oxidized deposits.

  • Scientifically formulated cleaners for presoak and pressure washing applications.
  • Safe alternatives to hydrofluoric acid.
  • Safe for use on painted surfaces, glass, aluminum and chrome-plated steel.
  • Efficient two-step cleaning method.
  • Effective rust inhibition to aid against acid attack on metal surfaces.
  • Undercarriage protection against concrete overspray.

A safer way. We offer a selection of options that can help prevent damage (fading and corrosion) to metal surfaces. Many of our products carry lower health ratings, with no fuming, and all are biodegradable.

If dwell time is not a problem, ChemStation Buffalo has other alternatives to choose from: phosphoric, hydroxyacetic and citric acids are less corrosive and safe options to the commonly used hydrochloric acid.

ChemStation Buffalo the Western New York Solution

ChemStation Buffalo proudly specializes in providing our customers with the highest quality, environmentally friendly cleaning products and industrial cleaning products.